Formerly known as Lirreka!
Posts: 3,071
Post by Triune on Apr 30, 2005 9:36:01 GMT
*She smiles and nods, shaking her hair as it bleeds from Platinum to midnight black, her skin pales to human tones and even her ears twist to rounded one.*
"Now who's the Danthiri here?" She asks with a Coruscant accent.
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Apr 30, 2005 9:38:35 GMT
*Her mouth falls open.* "How did you get your hair to change?" *Arael's eyes sparkle with delight at the thought of a new challenge.*
Formerly known as Lirreka!
Posts: 3,071
Post by Triune on Apr 30, 2005 9:42:16 GMT
*She chuckles softly* "Hair is just modified skin cells darling, those were affected to. Just concentrate and 'wiggle'."
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Apr 30, 2005 9:47:02 GMT
*She concentrates once more just on her hair as it slowly begins to fade into a blonde...then a silver color. Though while working on her hair, her concentration left the skin area and it goes back to normal. Her eyes open to see this and she gets frustrated a little. Mentally she rebukes herself as she tries again. Soon, sitting before Lirreka is what appears to be another Danthiri woman.*
Formerly known as Lirreka!
Posts: 3,071
Post by Triune on Apr 30, 2005 9:50:42 GMT
"It takes practice to do them both at the same time and even a bit more to learn to manipulate the cartilege that's on our bodies, like our ears, noses and in our cheeks. It's not as effective as Tiera's skill but it does come in handy from time to time."
*She leans back and smiles at their reflections* "Now you're the Danthiri and I'm a simple human." She grins.
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Apr 30, 2005 9:53:54 GMT
*She chuckles and raises up to hug the woman dearly. Her voice comes out as a whisper.* "Thank you, Ilhar. Thank you."
Formerly known as Lirreka!
Posts: 3,071
Post by Triune on Apr 30, 2005 9:56:27 GMT
*She returns the hug quite willingly as she kisses her on the cheek*
"No thank you darling, I'm gladened every day by your presence in our family."
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Apr 30, 2005 10:11:52 GMT
*She smiles at Lirreka and sits back down.* "So, what can we expect from these dragons? I haven't actually seen one before. I had hoped to see a krayt dragon while I was on Tatooine, that was until I crashed the ship."
Formerly known as Lirreka!
Posts: 3,071
Post by Triune on Apr 30, 2005 23:50:10 GMT
"Well the Arkanian Dragons show signs of sentiency or so biologists have reported. Considering the attention or lack thereof given to species that dont' speak in the Galaxy I doubt the verasity of these reports. So I am hoping to find one to study or even commune with. I have memories of Master Arca speaking with one through the force which gives me hope. I would be so pleased to find an awakened draconic species here."
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on May 1, 2005 0:14:36 GMT
*She pauses* "I thought all of the dragons had been extinct for many years...."
Formerly known as Lirreka!
Posts: 3,071
Post by Triune on May 1, 2005 0:27:56 GMT
"No far from it. The Krayt, the Dxun dragons, and the Arkanian dragons are alive and well. There are several species that are extinct now but these three plus one other that has been modified by Sith Alchemy still thrive. Alas nothing like in my Galaxy, there in lies an empire ruled by Dragons, huge beasts, dangerously intelligent and capable of great feats of power."
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on May 1, 2005 0:42:07 GMT
*Her eyes grow big as Lirreka tells this.* "Really? Oh, how I would love to see it. What is home like, Ilhar?"
New Member
"..Danger just seems to follow me wherever I go, call it an occupational hazard."
Posts: 116
Post by Xais'fir on May 1, 2005 2:56:00 GMT
~He follows Lirreka as she guides them to the salon, immediately moving over to a monitor to pull up the layout of the ship, admiring the extent the automation went. It would certainly reduce the number of crew losses during combat should the ship succumb to enemy fire. Not bad for a hard-tech ship. Moving from the panel to a nearby chair he pauses as he sees Arael's skin changing color until he realizes what it was she was doing and takes a seat. A hidden smirk graces his face at seeing Lirr change her appearance and he had an inkling to change his appearance as well, but so far only Lirr knew the extent of his capabilities and unless she gave him the go ahead, he wouldn't reveal any of them to the other two women unless he had no choice. The Wraith was a little apprehensive about being essentially caged as it was within the bowels fo the Vorcia, but it was also glad to have a chance to rest and so was Xais'fir~
Formerly known as Lirreka!
Posts: 3,071
Post by Triune on May 1, 2005 4:55:32 GMT
*A smile, almost a wistful one, comes across Lirreka's expression at the word...'home'*
"Home is not like here... No planet I've seen matches it. Dathomir and its mountains, Myrkr and its forests... they both come close but not quite enough.. Peaks that soar above the clouds, forests that run forever... We use very little technology on the Homeworld... We prefer it as pristine as possible... There are cultures of humans there that have no idea space travel exists... We have kept it away so effectively... Home is beautiful."
New Member
"..Danger just seems to follow me wherever I go, call it an occupational hazard."
Posts: 116
Post by Xais'fir on May 1, 2005 5:03:15 GMT
~Listens silently to Lirreka as she relates what the Danthiri Homeworld looks like and remembering his own experiences there, a drastic change on that pristine world when compared to this galaxy~
"Aye, I would have to agree with you Matron. The Homeworld of the Danthiri is an incredible place, much more than anything this galaxy has to offer. I am honored to ahve been there." His light mandalorian accent held reverence of sorts as he spoke and he again goes silent upon realizing his intrusion into their conversation.