Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Apr 26, 2005 22:56:00 GMT
*As her ship lands, she is greeted at the hangar by several of her bodyguards. They bow low before her and show fear. Obviously, they remember the last time she visited before her disappearance with Raviel. She says not a word as she makes her way towards her chambers to change into more regal attire befitting her rank.*
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Apr 26, 2005 23:09:53 GMT
*She changes into a pale blue dress that flows softly around her frame accented by white sleeves that drape down. Her hair is pulled back with a white cloth held on by the crown she wears on her head. Only one word could describe how she looked....stunning. Each time she returned and transformed into the queen, the courtiers were amazed.*
*She makes her way to the throne room refusing to hear any business until she had sat down. Quickly, the throne room becomes crowded as the counselors begin to update her on things at Onderon each trying to make their case over the others. It was almost like a press hearing. She raises her hand looking at them with no expression on her face.*
"Please, I am only one woman. One at a time. Inform me of the most urgent business first then let's speak of the mundane."
*They bow noticing this change in her demeanor and calmly one by one begin filling her in on the happenings on Onderon.*
Post by Veran on Apr 26, 2005 23:27:24 GMT
Minutes seemed to become hours as each councelor speaked with infinite details of the past events on Onderon. Suprisingly enough to the queen's regards, the planet had been holding itself as its original culture even though their leader had gone missing...
Perhaps they had not even bothered announcing such thing to the people in order to retain an innevitable pannic. Though as secretive as they had been, it was far too obvious that the people itself had though otherwise seeing how bad some of the news were. Yet sometimes she could wonder if ruling this planet was truly worth all the trouble. As her mind wandered elsewhere, a mysterious commoner dressed into something that might have fit into a theater act then anything else, with exagerated and monstruously heavy yet beautiflly made capes and robes...
He gaze into her eyes, as she gazed into his and by seeing how the force echoed strangely within him, she knew though that the source of the waves radiated from elsewhere and strangely enough from within the throne room...
[glow=green,2,300]He wishes to speak with you lady Kyra...[/glow]
As he speaked, she heard a voice that knew belonged to another being, which she had not heard for long, yet that she would recognize anywhere. This voice which still chilled her spined with the cold and mercyless winds of the dreaded world of Rhen Var.
Not wishing to waste anymore time with her councelors, she spoke again, of a dangerously neutral tone...
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Apr 26, 2005 23:34:17 GMT
"That is all for now. I need a minute to think about these items that have been brought to my attention. Leave me!"
*She watches them as they bow before her and quickly leave the throne room. Too often they have seen her strange moods swing and didn't wish to face that anger again soon. Her gaze sweeps to the figure that appeared from the shadow and a smirk plays upon her lips.*
"Ahh....instead of me coming to your halls, you decide to come to my own, Mr. Darkbroode....yet....there is something different about you.....yes indeed...."
*Her gaze seems to search deep within him as she looks upon him calmly as if summing him up. Each difference of his clothing and his personality screaming out to her.*
Post by Sarah Gilliam/Heather Felton on Apr 26, 2005 23:50:13 GMT
*Celestia approaches the throne room after an argument with the guards. She approaches the door. A man steps in front of her.*
What do you think you are doing?
I am going to see the Queen...why?
Well.....She is busy.
Well....ask her if I may have an audience with her?
Very well. *He walks through the doors.*
*A man walks in...he bows at Kyra.* Sorry to interupt.....Mi'lady...but a Ms. Celestia Andul is requesting an audience with you.
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Apr 26, 2005 23:57:39 GMT
*She glares at the man for his interruption and answers quickly.*
"As I said before, I am not to be bothered. Ms. Andul can call at another time. Any further interruptions will be met with a harsh punishment. Do I make myself clear?"
*The man cowers and quickly exits securing the door behind him and looks at Celestia with a pale face.*
Guard: Perhaps, you should call at another time. The queen has just returned and seems to be in one of her moods of late.
OOC: Celestia, dear, I will rp with you shortly. However, I'm going to be going soon to get a little more sleep.
Post by Sarah Gilliam/Heather Felton on Apr 26, 2005 23:59:15 GMT
ooc: Okay
*She nods.* I will see her again sometime
Post by Veran on Apr 27, 2005 1:50:27 GMT
He finaly moved from the column which had kept him hidden from the sight of Celestia, while he could remain perfectly visible to Kyra, almost as a reminder of their past... Confrontations.
For one last time, the immense door of the throne room shuts, letting out a thunderic yet faint sound within the echoe of this majestic hall. As soon as the almost oppresive sound finaly quiets itself down within the ears of its Majesty, her unexpected visitor speaks up yet again with his usual tone, which as well as carrying a wave of deadly frost, carries a vague expression of hostility even though the tone itself remains as calm as one of the Nabooian lakes.
"It so seems that the rumors are true after all... The Queen of Onderon as returned once again to her people, yet I ask myself if I should even consider having a small link of trust with one such as yourself..."
Quite enigmatic, which simply added more to her deduction that something had changed within this persons soul, yet as far as she could read his thoughts, even his soul or heart, if he truly had one she could not lay a finger on what it may be... Most troubling indeed.
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Apr 27, 2005 2:49:41 GMT
*She clasps her hands in front of her smiling freely bemused by this comment and then opens her hands wide.*
"Have I done anything as of yet that would put Onderon at risk? No. Therefore, I have done nothing that would make you think you could not trust me......."
*She stops and then chuckles* "....ooh, unless perhaps you are speaking about our last meeting for negotiations of an alliance. Yes, indeed, times were different. To what do I owe this honor of your visit, Ranka?"
Post by Veran on Apr 27, 2005 3:15:42 GMT
A small pause establishes itself within the throne room as Kyra asks her question, letting both of them hear the activities of the people of Iziz, far away in the outside... Braking this silence, Ranka starts to walk in the center of the throne room, facing directly the chair, where only those bound by royal blood may sit, yet unlike last time where he was exesivly formal and bowed to her respectfully, this time he did not, gazing into her eyes with his own which were almost luminating with an emerald color as a clouds shadow quickly passed into the marvelous stained glass. Giving yet again, this feeling of coldness. So strange that such thing could be felt by one who valued life, for this stare had an almost predatorial feel to it... Yet off course she wasn't afraid by such insignificant detail, though she just couldn't help but to dislike this slightly oppressive stare...
"Many rummors has been heard all over the galaxy, about a certain organization calling themselves the Pheonix Shadow. Unlike most rumors, this one had a certain trait which troubled me most as I searched its origins; It started here, on Onderon and I find it hard to beleive such organization have gone unoticed by your people and even if they would have manage to hide from the people's eyes into the darkest of shadows..."
He pauses, slightly deriving his eyes from hers for a breif moment, letting them reflect the very light of the Onderonian sun filtered by a green color, like the eyes of a feline... Why was she so intrigued by his eyes? It was in no way related to anything! If she had ignored the fact that she wasn't alone, she might have jumped from her seat to shout. Her own thoughts annoyed her and this did not happen many times in her life, and thats one of the thing she probably hated the most. Noticing she wasn't truly paying anymore attention to her guest, she focused once more... on his words thank the force...
"I would have found them myself... Yet I didn't found them here and I have enough proofs to know this sindycate is real. I am simply wondering how would anyone be able to cover their tracks so well... Since you are the ruler of this planet, I well thought that you may have some usefull information about the Pheonix Shadow..."
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Apr 27, 2005 3:37:30 GMT
*Her thoughts indeed did wander as he spoke to her making her miss much of what he says. There was something about those eyes....something different. Never before had his eyes taken on that peculiar shape or feline characteristic that she had seen. He had many secrets. This she knew. Yet, as he speaks his body seems to deliver a different message. It was hard to explain yet she found him all the more intriguing. Yet, she also knew he was seeking out her secrets. She had not heard such rumors of Onderon being the base of the organization. She knew rumors of her organization were indeed spreading yet the base was far from Onderon. She wasn't that stupid. Intrigued by his change in demeanor as well as his questions she answers him with caution. He thinks she will fall into his trap but she knows better. She knows he is seeking answers to questions he won't find here. A smile continues to play across her lips as her expression doesn't change.*
"Indeed this is news to me. Crime organizations are popping up all of the time. Why one would interest you when you have had no interest in the past organizations is most intriguing. Tell me, why did you come here asking these things. You must surely know that I have just returned. I can assure you that a full investigation of these rumors shall occur immediately. However, Ranka, tell me something yourself. What has happened to you. You seem.....different since last we met. Is it because of the the loss of your former master?"
Post by Veran on Apr 27, 2005 20:31:49 GMT
Once again he walked slowly, towards one of the many columns holding the immense structure from collapsin under the immense weight of the Onderonian Marble and stone, all perfectly scuplt as a magnificent palace...
As he did so, it left Kyra the opportunity to obverse once more the strange, aura which was displayed by his eyes. The color, which she remembered far too well to be displayed also by Lirreka's eyes... Strange that they shared this very specific trait yet, for the many times she had encountered the Ebonclaws ruler and the enigmatic Dematri, she knew they had never met under any means...
He finaly arrived to the column and layed his back on it after what had been five terribly long seconds...
"Tamir had been my master nearly a millenia ago, and trained me as his apprentice long before your ancestors were of royal status... And he fufilled his role as my master, yet he remained a dear friend to me even after we had both seen the centuries pass. Beleive me that if your previous master would have remained into this galaxy, I would have hunt him down to the point that he would be haunted by this sight of me, killing him in this fatefull moment as I would make him pay for all the crimes he have commited against this very universe and the force itself..."
He pauses as he realized he had risen his fist as he spoke, puting in a fluid manner his hands crossed onto his chest again.
"In rather painfull manners..."
For some reason, Kyra could feel that what he was mentioning, could have prooven to be far worse then being skinned, which she knew Lirreka had shown many times to be... Quite a horrible sight.
It was hard to beleive what she was thinking, yet as she looked once again in this burning anger within his eyes and heard his cold voice, that it may truly be far worse then any torture she could imagine for a man to suffer... Well, almost she thought to herself as her grin didn't dissapear from her face, hidding her future intentions, and present thoughts...
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Apr 28, 2005 4:46:48 GMT
*She does indeed continue to watch his actions studying him, if you will. Each movement and the way he responded was etched in her mind to recall if needed. Any bit of information she had about him would only further her next plan. His eyes though were what intrigued her most. She had heard of him being dematri and admitted she knew very little of their race; however, she also knew there was much more to this man than could be seen. What secrets did he hide. Also, he refused to answer one question she had posed to him. This was unacceptable.*
*Her eyebrow raises.* "Jetzt, though retired from the Sith, still holds a presence in the galaxy. He still holds his position as Supreme Chancellor. As for him paying for his many crimes against the galaxy, he didn't have time to commit any this time. Surely, enough time has passed for these crimes to be forgotten in the eyes of the public. He has done nothing to warrant your hatred unless it is for my falling."
*She stands up and walks down the steps from the throne closer to him tilting her head to the side to look into his strange eyes closer. Her own blue eyes change from a deep blue to an ice cold blue.* "You did not answer a question of mine. Why is it that you come here to my throne room? What is it you hoped to learn, Ranka? As I told you before, I knew nothing of these rumors yet you also haven't answered why you are so interested in this organization. Tell me...as your queen why you are so disturbed by them."
Post by Veran on Apr 28, 2005 23:22:56 GMT
Quite a dissapointing awnser she might have said if it wasn't for Ranka's expression as he spoke those words... He remained totaly shroud behind the mask that was his neutrality...
He was good, very good at hidding secrets which only he knew and so was she. Yet considering how much remained hidden from both of them, she could simply have guessed that if they were to reveal everything they knew, it would take days to tell without even allowing themselves to take a breath or two... Even week perhaps. Though the fact of not knowing the awnser to a question she asked was simply infuriating and so, slightly swiped away this grin she had kept ever since he had steped in her domain.
His emerald eyes focused their attention on her, making her know he was about to speak and hopefully bring the awnsers she sought... And hopefully, he would make it short.
"You are more clever then when we last met, you realised much quicker that I have not told you anything of importance to you... I found it hard to beleive that such known rumors which had started on Onderon itself, would have been simply kept unknown by its Queen... Also knowing about your rather, movemented past and so being told you were adept at finding such information I deducted you would have known about it before anybody in this very Galaxy."
A troubling silence established itself as the Dematri now walked back towards the center of the room once more, arriving only a few meters away from Selae, which was enough he thought and perhaps so was she, as both didn't entirely trust each other to get any further into the other's vital space...
"The fact that you are suprise by these news thus suprises myself. I had hoped that you may have helped me in a way to uncover their main location of activity's... It though seem that I will have to find it myself..."
His eyes once again gaze into her own, yet letting her feel another time how she disliked this impression of frost they gave her, as her skin chilled under the natural witchery of his eyes... As much as the color reminded her the Danthiri own eye color, none had ever given her such an impressin of coldness... Even Lirreka's and in a way, this frightened her as it would probably inspire fear into the heart of many...
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Apr 28, 2005 23:47:16 GMT
*She narrows her eyes at him growing frustrated at his lack of answering her question as the chill from his glance covers her body. The queen was not used to such insolence from someone in her own court. Yet, she had seen his anger before and controlled herself not wishing to fight...not this time. However, her shoulders grew more tense and her stance stiffened at his comments and glare. Her voice, when it comes is low and cold.*
"I can assure you that there is no such crime organizations on Onderon. I pride myself in the reputation of my planet and my people. The past for them has been too dark...they deserve peace. Yet, you continue to evade my question. Why are you so interested in such a crime organization? Surely a man of considerable stature would not be interested in the dealings of the filth crime organizations deal with."
*She crosses her arms and the smile creeps up on her face again. Her thoughts are of how he will respond to this. Surely, he has been controlled to an extent but there was something deeper inside of him. She could feel it trying to escape as if he was conflicted in a way. Something she understood only too well.*