Post by Ryu Kitana/Dominic Trayce on Apr 5, 2005 20:31:53 GMT
*The Nightblade lands on Korriban, Blade lands on the outskirts of the planet. The wind blows sand everywhere conceiling almost everything from view. The loading ramp of the Nightblade opens up and Blade walks out, His Cloak covering his face from the sand he stands there and awaits the arrival of his friends. as he waits he contimplates on heis previous adventure, he remembers the feeling he felt when he left the planet he was relived yet still greatly angered, theforce had sheilded him from the darkside before, but the Darkside of the force is extremly powerfull on Korriban, he will need the force to save him now, if he is tempted. he then remembers that he never say his brother leave the planet, yet he senses hes close, something is not right here*
The Madet Legacy
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Jedi Master
(Bo)...The Madet Legacy Lives on...Forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, & ever
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Post by The Madet Legacy on Apr 5, 2005 20:35:33 GMT
*The Warrior's Legacy lands next to the Nightblade*
*As the ramp lowers down to the ground, the Darkside immediatly spreads throughout the ship-it's temporary home*
*Steps onto the dusty planet's barren and evil surface*
"This place......it seems so calm."
Post by Ryu Kitana/Dominic Trayce on Apr 5, 2005 20:37:24 GMT
"This is a place of evil Bo, do not let your fathers influence affect you"
Post by Zistion/ Ki-ren on Apr 5, 2005 20:39:08 GMT
*Zistion steps out of the night blade and goes to meet his friends*
Post by Zistion/ Ki-ren on Apr 5, 2005 20:40:50 GMT
'Blade will brb'
Post by Jedi Master Arlon Kyjar on Apr 5, 2005 20:41:54 GMT
*The Noctern hovers in out of orbit, landing at a safe distance from the three on a higher cliff. He walks out of ship with his droid, carefully observing the action, waiting for something bad to happen*
The Madet Legacy
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Jedi Master
(Bo)...The Madet Legacy Lives on...Forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, & ever
Posts: 7,908
Post by The Madet Legacy on Apr 5, 2005 20:43:30 GMT
"If we find anyone here, let's make sure to deal with them right away. Who knows what their intentions might be!"
The Madet Legacy
Global Moderator
Jedi Master
(Bo)...The Madet Legacy Lives on...Forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, & ever
Posts: 7,908
Post by The Madet Legacy on Apr 5, 2005 21:12:29 GMT
*Waits for any kind of answer*
Post by Jedi Master Arlon Kyjar on Apr 5, 2005 21:16:37 GMT
*he kneels down near his ship upon the cliff, meditating on his surroundings, more importantly the three down lower*
Post by Ryu Kitana/Dominic Trayce on Apr 5, 2005 21:30:18 GMT
"Bo, this is a place of evil, but we should not attack people before we know their true intentions. There is no ignorance, there is knowladge"
Post by princeruy on Apr 5, 2005 21:38:00 GMT
*Kanji steps out of Bo ship.He has been sleeping mostly but was waken up by the sense of evil in the air powerful evil.*
Post by Ryu Kitana/Dominic Trayce on Apr 5, 2005 21:45:31 GMT
"Have a good nap Kanji?"
Post by princeruy on Apr 5, 2005 21:54:48 GMT
Kanji: Ya it was it the only way to past the time in space.
Post by Ryu Kitana/Dominic Trayce on Apr 5, 2005 21:56:38 GMT
"Turue it is very boreing"
Post by princeruy on Apr 5, 2005 21:58:33 GMT
Kanji: Whats the plan?