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Purple Haze
A good assassin needs neither the dark or the light....he needs skill (Was Mandalore)
Posts: 11,843
Post by Halan on Apr 8, 2005 21:29:14 GMT
* a missile slam's against the wall sending brick's flying around the air, hundred's of onderonian's sprint for cover a huge tidal wave of people is created though the action's of the raider's *
"we need to get a better position see the road back to the beast rider areea, we will run for after the count of ten ok, from there we can get a better look"
Post by princeruy on Apr 8, 2005 21:30:56 GMT
:::::::::::::::::::::COM:::::::::::: Kanji: swicth to missle lunchers aim for mandalore *Kanji reloads and shoots at mandalore.Kanji then quickly ducks the rest of the team do like wise.*
Kelborn Odarian
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The Purpose of the Weak is to Serve the Strong!
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Post by Kelborn Odarian on Apr 8, 2005 21:31:26 GMT
*Gets up from under the rubble then runs over to the wall and pins himself against it next to Mandalore....* *coughing* "Yes, Sir..."
Post by princeruy on Apr 8, 2005 21:32:44 GMT
*The missle attaks the two running mandalorians causing huge explosions.The Onderon citzens think they are being under attack by the mandalorians they too grab for their weapons.*
Joseph Gray
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Post by Joseph Gray on Apr 8, 2005 21:33:39 GMT
*Repeats Kanji's order too the rest of the men and all fire carefully aimed missles towards mandalore*
Kelborn Odarian
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The Purpose of the Weak is to Serve the Strong!
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Post by Kelborn Odarian on Apr 8, 2005 21:34:26 GMT
*Hears more rocket blasts heading towards them* "Sir, we need to move...."
Global Moderator
Purple Haze
A good assassin needs neither the dark or the light....he needs skill (Was Mandalore)
Posts: 11,843
Post by Halan on Apr 8, 2005 21:34:59 GMT
" damn cowards shooting from the shadow's has no honour, if you see a shot kelborn take it, let's go"
*we both run from our cover away from the scope's of the raptor's and head to the beast rider's section of the city, hundred's of the beast rider's uneffected by the action's in the other sqaure continue there action's from before*
Post by princeruy on Apr 8, 2005 21:35:04 GMT
*Kanji fire a missle at the exit mandalore was going blocking off the exit.*
Kelborn Odarian
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Mandalorian Patrol Captain
The Purpose of the Weak is to Serve the Strong!
Posts: 93
Post by Kelborn Odarian on Apr 8, 2005 21:37:19 GMT
(Intelligence)"Sir, everywhere we go they have a shot...they're on the building tops..." *takes out blasters...and waits for one of the snipers to stand*
Joseph Gray
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My past is haunting me...
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Post by Joseph Gray on Apr 8, 2005 21:37:41 GMT
*The Raptors move too keep mandalore in sight as they continue too fire missles, staying out of sight all the while*
Post by princeruy on Apr 8, 2005 21:38:56 GMT
*Kanji gets a sleep gas grenade and throws it at mandalore.*
Kelborn Odarian
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Mandalorian Patrol Captain
The Purpose of the Weak is to Serve the Strong!
Posts: 93
Post by Kelborn Odarian on Apr 8, 2005 21:39:29 GMT
*dodges the rocket blasts and grumbles..."I'm sick of these cowards"...he takes out grenades and starts throwing them on the rooftops....*
Global Moderator
Purple Haze
A good assassin needs neither the dark or the light....he needs skill (Was Mandalore)
Posts: 11,843
Post by Halan on Apr 8, 2005 21:39:51 GMT
" i now kelborn i didn't run to this square for nothing if they take another shot than the beast rider's will not resond kindly, they will open fire even if they cannot see who they are shoting at, hopefully we will be able to pick off the sniper's in the choas, they will not be able to get a clear shot here"
*i pull out my blaster and wait for a sniper head, a gas grenade land's near both kelborn and myself but has little effect on both of our will's the beast rider's responde as i predicted and fire at the building top's*
Post by princeruy on Apr 8, 2005 21:41:21 GMT
*The graeden Kelbron throws falls back down.The hight of the building is too high for attack by throwing greaden.The explosion hits Kelbron.*
Post by princeruy on Apr 8, 2005 21:42:49 GMT
*Kanji throws a sleep gas grenades at the beast riders.*