Post by princeruy on Mar 25, 2005 20:30:04 GMT
Kanji: Sir we could bomb one of the mandalorians planets.......I don't like killing defensiveless oppenets Mandalore is on we could attack his planets and nobody could say nothing since he is the main person for the mandalorians
Post by Master Bondora on Mar 25, 2005 20:31:06 GMT
Mandalore is on we could attack his planets and nobody could say nothing since he is the main person for the mandalorians ooc: were attacking the ebonclaw. Not the mandolorian
Post by princeruy on Mar 25, 2005 20:32:55 GMT
your the boss
Dune Caladona
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Post by Dune Caladona on Mar 25, 2005 20:35:34 GMT
[glow=red,2,300]yeah, Dune is not remotly able to access EbonClaw resourses yet..but lirr shoudl be on in an hour or so [/glow] OoC: Thank god for adena, guys I dont know the NPC's, how am I supposed to even fight with out the general, and + lirreka or tie, would not approve of me commanding anything. (trust me )
Post by Jedi Master Arlon Kyjar on Mar 25, 2005 20:44:19 GMT
Good to know you arent on their side Raider... I do believe it is time for me to take my leave, but I will be close by, trust me on that... More than one reason I love my ship
*he turns around and walks out of the bridge, going into the docking bay and taking The Noctern out of Raider's ship, putting on its stealth field outside of their scanning range, waiting for some action*
Post by Master Bondora on Mar 25, 2005 20:44:32 GMT
ooc: Rainha his online can we attack?
Post by zara on Mar 25, 2005 20:45:50 GMT
I a house agent, not actually a true member of the ebon claw
Dune Caladona
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To be forgoten is worse than death
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Post by Dune Caladona on Mar 25, 2005 20:46:57 GMT
ooc: Rainha his online can we attack? OoC; mabey you could wait for a MOD of the Ebon CLaw to come.
Post by Jedi Master Arlon Kyjar on Mar 25, 2005 20:47:16 GMT
ooc: Just wait for Lirr or Tie. And I am a tad confused... Are we attacking the Mandalorian world still, or this one?
Post by Master Bondora on Mar 25, 2005 20:48:16 GMT
ooc: Just wait for Lirr or Tie. And I am a tad confused... Are we attacking the Mandalorian world still, or this one? ooc: This one since raider didnt want to attack a mandolorian world
Post by Jedi Master Arlon Kyjar on Mar 25, 2005 20:49:12 GMT
ooc: Raider wasnt even part of the team to begin with!
Post by princeruy on Mar 25, 2005 20:49:51 GMT
ooc: As long as I get paid I am fine
Dune Caladona
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To be forgoten is worse than death
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Post by Dune Caladona on Mar 25, 2005 20:59:45 GMT
OoC: it is gona be funney watching Ky fight in this war, she plays 2 people (not to menton, they are on differint sides.) MOTHER V.S. DAGHTER
retired from RP'ing GODDESS
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Post by Adena on Mar 25, 2005 21:00:13 GMT
A Dark Siloette, resembeling that of a Dragon hang ominously before the super giant, ultravilot sun, Massive in its opwn size, rows of turbo batterys dot its hull almost as if horns of the massive beast...it was here that Its owner paced, watching the battle from a distance, her Emerald eyes observing, and nothing more
Post by Master Bondora on Mar 25, 2005 21:52:37 GMT
A fighter comes at uncaney speeds flying recklessley into the blockade, the battleships instincvley fire opuon it but it swirls lopes and dodges the cannon fire, as it dicides to take a new route the fighter turns and flys onto the planet, one of the cannons hits the wing of the fighter and it hits the ground and slides into a cave* ooc: YOu cant do that we had tractor beams on. And you will have been destroye by the two fleet laser canon