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Purple Haze
A good assassin needs neither the dark or the light....he needs skill (Was Mandalore)
Posts: 11,843
Post by Halan on Mar 19, 2005 17:16:42 GMT
* beeping over the comm system*
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Mar 19, 2005 17:18:23 GMT
*She opens the channel*
This is Foxxy, over.
*She brings the ship down to the docking bay and begins to flip switches turning off the engines.*
Post by Rayken/Hk-62 on Mar 19, 2005 17:22:25 GMT
Boy: *his eyes grow big as he sees the droid* WHOA!!! Are you really an assassin droid? COOL!! *She hears the alert from the panel and brings the ship out of hyperspeed. She orbits Corellia and then brings her ship down for a landing.* Reply: yes i am an assassin droid just dont tel the authorities
Global Moderator
Purple Haze
A good assassin needs neither the dark or the light....he needs skill (Was Mandalore)
Posts: 11,843
Post by Halan on Mar 19, 2005 17:26:56 GMT
* my face come's over the comm*
" very funny kyra do you mind not doing that again, right when you find this crime lord i need to be there it is just as important to me to find out who he works for as it is to you"
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Mar 19, 2005 17:32:19 GMT
*She feins a look of innocence.* "
My dear, Mandalore, I have no idea what you are talking about. I am seeing this boy back to his parents. I don't plan on doing anything to this crime lord yet. I'll see if the warning did any good. However, I do want to investigate at Nar Shadaa...find out more about this group. Anyway, Kyra out!
*She turns around to the boy smiling. Her mind drifts a little thinking her daughter is about the same age. She puts her hands on her legs.*
"Well, let's get you home."
Boy: *He looks at the droid and back at her.* Can't I just stay with you?
*She smiles at him.* "Dear, you wouldn't want to. I promise I am boring."
*She gets up and walks towards the ramp. The boy relunctantly follows her.*
Post by Rayken/Hk-62 on Mar 19, 2005 17:34:42 GMT
*hk follows closely with his Heavy blasters ready* Statement: would you like to hear revelant data about the new threats?
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Mar 19, 2005 17:37:27 GMT
*She turns to HK after securing the ramp behind them and nods her head.*
"Sure. Let me hear it. Also, bring up whatever info you have on a crime lord named Vaggos."
*She turns to the boy.* "Now, I need you to lead us to your house."
Boy: *He nods and walks off.*
* She follows and motions for HK to do the same.*
Post by Rayken/Hk-62 on Mar 19, 2005 17:39:20 GMT
*hk follows* statement: are you sure you can trust this boy it could be a trap
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Mar 19, 2005 17:43:32 GMT
*She gets ready to say something when the boy pipes up.*
Boy: *glares at HK* "Look, I'm not a target. Not to you at least. I might be after my parents get ahold of me."
*She reaches over and puts her hand on his shoulder.* "They might be a little mad, but I promise you that they love you more than anything. HK, is just being cautious and.....protective."
*She turns to HK* "Have you any information in your databanks about the Red Tide?"
Post by Rayken/Hk-62 on Mar 19, 2005 17:45:57 GMT
Reply: one moment searching.......... Reply: yes i do master: the red tide are a growing Bounty/mercnary/assassin group similar to the exchange before it collapsed their main base is on nar shadda if im correct. do you need more data?
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Mar 19, 2005 17:50:23 GMT
*She frowns hearing this.* "Tell me more about their leader, Vaggos if you have anything."
Boy: *He listens his curiousity peaked. He wonders if he can slip onto their ship before they take off again. He so wanted adventure. Plus, he liked this woman. He continues to lead them down the streets getting closer to his parents' house. The dread grows in him.*
Post by Rayken/Hk-62 on Mar 19, 2005 17:55:31 GMT
Reply: More interogation please do not hold back on the torture master as it is the only true way of getting information anyway here is the data of their leider: Vaggos is not a hutt altough some people might think so he is a Quarren he hates humans and likes to hire trandoshans for protection
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Mar 19, 2005 18:00:33 GMT
*She stops at this information. She turns to face HK.* "Did he ever go by another name? Check your databanks for an alias. Something seems familiar here. Cross reference anything you find with organizations on Ord Mantell."
Boy: *He stops and watches them both fascinated.*
Post by Rayken/Hk-62 on Mar 19, 2005 18:03:17 GMT
Reply:Searching....... no i havent found anything else only a name wich might be an alias: Vanquisher
Post by Lady Zahra/Jules on Mar 19, 2005 18:18:59 GMT
*She sighs* "This isn't good news."
Boy: What isn't? I could come along! I could help! I promise I would stay out of the way.
*She smiles at him and shakes her head no.* "You need to get back to your parents. In time, your adventures will come. Enjoy your childhood while you can."
Boy: *He glares at her and stomps off.*
*She watches him and sighs.* "Let's go, HK. Also, watch your back around here. I have a feeling we might have a stowaway soon."