Post by darius on Apr 18, 2005 1:47:08 GMT
name: Antores Carco
Race: Galleefrian, almost exactly like humans.
Age: 20,500 years
height: 1.5 meters
skin: light brown
hair (the bit left): white
Homeworld: Galleefryn II
Current home: Ragoon IV
My story, is not one of glory and power. it is not a story of romance and love. my story is one of Faliure. I was born Antores Carco, on the planet Galleefryn II, a planet you do not know about, for it is no longer there. I was Born during the Earliest days of the Galactic Republic, right after the Great Shcism of the jedi knights. My people were the inventors and masters of Sagacacia, an ancient and deadly art, disguised as a game. I grew up learning this art from my father, one of the most respected men in our tribe. we had some contact with the republic, so we knew of other star systems. at the age of 50, I decided I wanted More. i wanted to see the living galaxy. I had some Knowledege of the force from my tribe, but this was nothing like the amount I was going to learn. I left my planet, and traveled the galaxy. Numerous times I was requested to join the jedi, yet I refused. I landed on Korribaan as well, and refused the sith and left them to their civil war. I wanted to visit the entire galaxy, I wanted to see and feel every planet i could in my life. slowly, and unknowingly, I gained power in the force. It became a part of me, and I a part of it. as I grew older it literally began to replace my body. My muscles and bones today are all greatly enforced with the force. After a while, i decided to return home, to see my people. friends and family I have not seen in ages. But I returned to nothing. My planet was Ravaged, and my people were no more. I failed them. It was my foolish want and need for excitment that drew me away from my family. i had the starship, i could have saved them. I know some would surly have died, yet i still could have saved a few. This was when I decided to Exile Myself. I found Ragoon IV by accident. I landed there, and set my ship to fly to a coordinate in space. to Galleefryn II. it could still be there, it could have drifted to someplace else. I cannot be sure. you see, you learn with time, that the small things in life matter more than the great things. This is how I came to be who I am today. The last of my people. I taught the natives here some of my knowledge, which is why they know of Sagacacia. And now I am the same. still the last of my people, and still in Exile.
Most Knowledge and Force Powers (although a few things he knows are not here):
Affect Mind
Allyan Magic
Arch Pose
Art of Movement
Art of the Small
Attention to the Moment Gives Knowledge
Baran Do
Breath of Gelgelar
The Breath
Cho Mai
Cho Mok
Cho Sun
Combat Sense
Control Mind
Dark Side Nexus
Dark Side of the Force
Dun Moch
Electric Judgement
Energy Trap
Flying Fleche
Force Bubble
Force Dream
Force Lightning
Force Scream
Force Sensitivity
Force Spirit
Force Storm
The Force
Guiding Spirit
Hibernation Trance
Jedi Battle Meditation
Jedi Flow
Jung Ma
Laser Pose
Light Side of the Force
Living Force
Marks of Contact
Meditation of Immersion
Mind Shard
Moving Meditation
Neural Storm
Physical Force
Power, The
Progenitor's Call
Rainbow Storm
Restful Sleep in Danger
Rising Meditation
Rocker Pose
Sai Cha
Sai Tok
Salutation to the Force
Science of Darkness
Seeing Without Looking
Shadow Magic
Short-term Memory Enhancement
Silent Meditation
Sun Djem
Tidal Breathing
Unifying Force
The Unity
Voice Manipulation
The Void
White Current, The
Will of the Force
Zeison Sha
Zeison Sho
PS. if you think that i just copied a list and that i dont know aht these are, feel free to test me.
Sagacacia: a galleefrian martial art, disguised as a dance and a game. this origins of this art date back thousands of years before the dawn of the republic, and now it is only known on Ragoon IV, since Galleefryn II was destroyed. Sagacacia is a deceptive, graceful, fast paced, acrobatic art, supported by ritual and music. players try to take up each other's space, and trying to control the other. in a roda, the circle where the game is played, contact is not encouraged, but blow are shown. when used against a real attacker, the graceful dance like moves become deadly. Sagacacia can only be taught by Antores. Sagacacia also served as the base for Antores' Personal lightsaber style.
Antores' Personal lightsaber style: Capoeira. This style of lightsaber combat was invented by Antores, and is bieng perfected over thousands of years. its movements are deceptive, fast, and graceful. blocking is discourage, the user moves with the blows sent his way, and by doing so he not only makes openings in his opponent, but sets his opponent of balance. the point is to control your opponents space, and by doing so conrolling his movements, giving you the upper hand. this lightsaber art is heavily based upon Sagacacia.
Antores' Custom Lightsaber: bieng that Antores' style of choice involves many moves that would prove fatal to him with a normal lightsaber, Antores knew he would need to make sure his blade was of smaller length. than arose another problem, he did not want a short saber, for those lost the abilty to take up space, and took off distance that could help in a duel. after years of tweaking, Antores finally constructed his lightsaber. its hilt is around 20 centimeters (8 inches) in length, 10 centimeters less than the normal hilt. its blade is 80 centimeters in length, 20 centimeters shorter than a normal blade. this lightsaber's modifications allow increased agile movements, like the short saber, yet still maintain the safe distance given by a normal blade.
Race: Galleefrian, almost exactly like humans.
Age: 20,500 years
height: 1.5 meters
skin: light brown
hair (the bit left): white
Homeworld: Galleefryn II
Current home: Ragoon IV
My story, is not one of glory and power. it is not a story of romance and love. my story is one of Faliure. I was born Antores Carco, on the planet Galleefryn II, a planet you do not know about, for it is no longer there. I was Born during the Earliest days of the Galactic Republic, right after the Great Shcism of the jedi knights. My people were the inventors and masters of Sagacacia, an ancient and deadly art, disguised as a game. I grew up learning this art from my father, one of the most respected men in our tribe. we had some contact with the republic, so we knew of other star systems. at the age of 50, I decided I wanted More. i wanted to see the living galaxy. I had some Knowledege of the force from my tribe, but this was nothing like the amount I was going to learn. I left my planet, and traveled the galaxy. Numerous times I was requested to join the jedi, yet I refused. I landed on Korribaan as well, and refused the sith and left them to their civil war. I wanted to visit the entire galaxy, I wanted to see and feel every planet i could in my life. slowly, and unknowingly, I gained power in the force. It became a part of me, and I a part of it. as I grew older it literally began to replace my body. My muscles and bones today are all greatly enforced with the force. After a while, i decided to return home, to see my people. friends and family I have not seen in ages. But I returned to nothing. My planet was Ravaged, and my people were no more. I failed them. It was my foolish want and need for excitment that drew me away from my family. i had the starship, i could have saved them. I know some would surly have died, yet i still could have saved a few. This was when I decided to Exile Myself. I found Ragoon IV by accident. I landed there, and set my ship to fly to a coordinate in space. to Galleefryn II. it could still be there, it could have drifted to someplace else. I cannot be sure. you see, you learn with time, that the small things in life matter more than the great things. This is how I came to be who I am today. The last of my people. I taught the natives here some of my knowledge, which is why they know of Sagacacia. And now I am the same. still the last of my people, and still in Exile.
Most Knowledge and Force Powers (although a few things he knows are not here):
Affect Mind
Allyan Magic
Arch Pose
Art of Movement
Art of the Small
Attention to the Moment Gives Knowledge
Baran Do
Breath of Gelgelar
The Breath
Cho Mai
Cho Mok
Cho Sun
Combat Sense
Control Mind
Dark Side Nexus
Dark Side of the Force
Dun Moch
Electric Judgement
Energy Trap
Flying Fleche
Force Bubble
Force Dream
Force Lightning
Force Scream
Force Sensitivity
Force Spirit
Force Storm
The Force
Guiding Spirit
Hibernation Trance
Jedi Battle Meditation
Jedi Flow
Jung Ma
Laser Pose
Light Side of the Force
Living Force
Marks of Contact
Meditation of Immersion
Mind Shard
Moving Meditation
Neural Storm
Physical Force
Power, The
Progenitor's Call
Rainbow Storm
Restful Sleep in Danger
Rising Meditation
Rocker Pose
Sai Cha
Sai Tok
Salutation to the Force
Science of Darkness
Seeing Without Looking
Shadow Magic
Short-term Memory Enhancement
Silent Meditation
Sun Djem
Tidal Breathing
Unifying Force
The Unity
Voice Manipulation
The Void
White Current, The
Will of the Force
Zeison Sha
Zeison Sho
PS. if you think that i just copied a list and that i dont know aht these are, feel free to test me.
Sagacacia: a galleefrian martial art, disguised as a dance and a game. this origins of this art date back thousands of years before the dawn of the republic, and now it is only known on Ragoon IV, since Galleefryn II was destroyed. Sagacacia is a deceptive, graceful, fast paced, acrobatic art, supported by ritual and music. players try to take up each other's space, and trying to control the other. in a roda, the circle where the game is played, contact is not encouraged, but blow are shown. when used against a real attacker, the graceful dance like moves become deadly. Sagacacia can only be taught by Antores. Sagacacia also served as the base for Antores' Personal lightsaber style.
Antores' Personal lightsaber style: Capoeira. This style of lightsaber combat was invented by Antores, and is bieng perfected over thousands of years. its movements are deceptive, fast, and graceful. blocking is discourage, the user moves with the blows sent his way, and by doing so he not only makes openings in his opponent, but sets his opponent of balance. the point is to control your opponents space, and by doing so conrolling his movements, giving you the upper hand. this lightsaber art is heavily based upon Sagacacia.
Antores' Custom Lightsaber: bieng that Antores' style of choice involves many moves that would prove fatal to him with a normal lightsaber, Antores knew he would need to make sure his blade was of smaller length. than arose another problem, he did not want a short saber, for those lost the abilty to take up space, and took off distance that could help in a duel. after years of tweaking, Antores finally constructed his lightsaber. its hilt is around 20 centimeters (8 inches) in length, 10 centimeters less than the normal hilt. its blade is 80 centimeters in length, 20 centimeters shorter than a normal blade. this lightsaber's modifications allow increased agile movements, like the short saber, yet still maintain the safe distance given by a normal blade.